Other kits available

Clear condensation trapped in your window with one of our popular kits

  •     2 window repair kit
2 x Window repair kit

All items required to clear 2 windows including a how to guide & a free condensation guide.

Reviews (24)

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  •     5 window repair kit
5 x Window repair kit

All items required to clear 5 windows including a how to guide & a free condensation guide.

Reviews (48)

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  •     Moisture plus 2 window repair kit
Moisture Plus repair kit

All items required to clear 2 windows including a how to guide & a free condensation guide.

Reviews (34)

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Other products

2 Window kit

1-3 window kits available
Need more than 1 window
Fixing see our kit
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Patio Door kit

Patio door kits available
Its not just windows that need fixing we also have other kits

Moisture Plus kit

kits available for windows
with addition moisture build up everything your need to complete the job in this kit

About our kit

The Clearglazekit was designed to save money and landfill waste
It worked for us, It will work for you
Get a free Condensation Guide & Quick delivery with every kit
Buy a Clearglazekit today!

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